Thursday 12 February 2015

Cute DIY Gift Ideas

Hello! I hope you have all had a lovely day. Today's post is upon the topic of a few cute and easy DIY gift tutorials. This isn't really a Valentine's Day themed post however I thought it would be nice to give you a little inspiration for maybe some cute gift ideas if you are spending time with you girlfriend/boyfriend this Valentine's Day or if you are just have a girly day with friends. Also, I am so sorry that I didn't take the pics myself - I have been so busy and haven't had time to get all the supplies but I hope this is okay. I hope you enjoy it and make sure to leave your comments below. 

Strawberry Sundae Bath:

The first gift idea is a Strawberry Sundae bath set and I just find this so cute. 

You will need: 
• A Sundae Glass
• A Lufer
• Mini pampery bits- bath fizzers, bath salts, mini body lotions etc. (preferably strawberry flavoured)
• Straw
• Ice Cream Spoon (optional)
• Ribbon and little note (optional)

1. Firstly, place all pamper items in the sundae glass.
2. Place lufer on top and decorate with a straw, ice cream spoon, ribbons, a little note or any other cute little sundae-themed decorations you find.

Open when… packages:

These little open when… packages are such a cute and thoughtful idea and are lovely to have if you've had a bad day and need a little reminder that you are loved, some comfort food (chocolate!) or just to relax a little. 

You will need:
• Envelopes/ wrapping paper
• Mini-themed gifts- chocolate/sweets, pampery bits, photographs, sweet little notes etc
• An old shoebox (optional)
• Little decorative bits (optional)

1. Firstly, you must pick a few different themes for each package (happy, feeling loved, sad, had a bad day, stressed, craving something sweet) 
2. Buy or make different gifts according to your chosen themes - maybe cute little notes, sweets, pamper bits, photographs, a free hug token, de-stressing bath soak etc. 
3. Wrap up or place your gifts in envelopes then maybe you could decorate them, then place them all in a shoebox or tie them together with ribbon. 

Sweet Little Survival Kit:

This sweet little survival kit is so adorable and will make your loved one smile.

You will need: 
• A Daily Tablet Dispenser
• Mini gifts- sweets, mini lip glosses and nail polishes, sweet little notes

1. Firstly, buy or create lots of cute mini gifts such as sweets, mini beauty products and sweet little notes (saying things like: I love you :), kiss me quick, etc.) 
2. Place all gifts in each compartment if tablet dispenser. 


This little gift idea is so lovely for Starbucks-obsessives like me :) 

You will need:
• Old, Clean Starbucks Cup
• Mini gifts- sweets, mini pamper/beauty items, mini scented candles
• Straw
• Ribbons and other decorative items (optional) 

1. Firstly, make sure your Starbucks cup is completely clean and has been washed thouroughly 
2. Place all your mini gifts inside the Statbucks cup and stick in the straw and lid; you can also decorate if you want 

Valentine Picnic Hamper:

This gift idea is so cute and is a very romantic way to spend you day. 

You will need:
• A picnic hamper
• Wine glasses
• Shloer (or maybe an alcoholic drink if you are old enough) 
• Strawberries
• Other sweet treats 
• Picnic rug
• Scented Candles and matches 
• Cute pictures and maybe some letters/poems 
• A romantic or meaningful place to have your picnic 
• Maybe some decorative items (optional) 

1. Place all your items into your picnic hamper and maybe decorate it 
2. Ring your boyfriend/girlfriends doorbell and leave the hamper on their doorstep

Meal/Evening in a Mug: 

This gift is perfect for a friend's birthday or just a little gift to let them know you are thinking of them. 

You will need:
• A personalised/cute mug
• Mini pamper/beauty treats or alternatively a meal (such as powdered pasta sause and uncooked pasta) 
• Cute, Patterned See-through plastic and ribbon (optional) 
• Other Decorative items (optional)

1. Place all mini gifts into your mug 
2. Wrap up your mug in cute, see-through plastic and tie a ribbon around the tip to secure it and maybe create a little tag saying 'evening in a mug' or 'meal in a mug'. 

Box of memories:

This gift idea is so thoughtful and beautiful and your loved one will fall in love with it. 

You will need: 
• An old decorated shoebox or box alike the one above 
• Lots of old photographs and letters/poems 
• Any other significant items of your relationship
• Decorative items (optional)

1. Firstly, decorate your box with tissue paper inside, cute stickers, etc. 
2. Place all your items inside your box. 

Homemade cookies/ cupcakes:

 Homemade cookies and cupcakes are always a beautiful gift idea which you can never go wrong with. Attempt to find out their favourite flavour of cookie/cupcake so it is very personal. 

You will need:
• Homemade cookies/cupcakes
• A cute cupcake box/ a mason jar/ cute, patterned, transparent plastic and ribbon
• Other decorative items

1. After baking your cookies/cupcakes, place your sweet treats into a cut cupcake box, mason jar or wrap them in transparent plastic and secure with a ribbon.
2. Decorate your package to make it look super sweet.

Hot Chocolate Kit: 

This is such a cute and tasty gift idea which I love so much. 

You will need:
• A Mason Jar
• Hot chocolate powder
• Mini Marshmallows
• Some spices or additional hot chocolate ingredients (optional) 
• Decorate items such as ribbons (optional)

1. Firstly, place the hot chocolate powder/spices at the bottom of the mason jar
2. Then, place all the mini marshmallows on the top and close the jar. 
3. Decorate jar with ribbons and maybe a little tag to make this look super cute

Other cute little (self-explanitary) gifts: 

I hope you have enjoyed this post and it has given you a little inspiration for some creative and cute gifts. I hope to see you all again very very soon. 

Beauty Flutter
Natalie xx

Make sure to look out for my next blog post: 

Tuesday 10 February 2015

Girls Night In Essentials

Hello! I hope you have all had a lovely few weeks. I am so sorry this post is so late. I have been a little busy but hopefully I will blog again tomorrow so hopefully that will make up for it. So today's post is on the topic of girly nights in/sleepovers and I will be sharing with you some of the things I love to do on these nights when I'm spending time with friends, my sister or sometimes on my own if I have had a bad day or I just want to relax a little. I hope you enjoy this post and make sure to leave your comments below.

Face and hair masks:

Face and hair masks are an essential for me on a girly night as they are so relaxing, smell so good and make your skin feel so amazing. I also love to put a little cucumber on my eyes as apparently it's good for them or something although it does sting a little if you cut your slices too thick. This is also a great thing to do with friends as it is so fun- especially if you are super messy like me and get it everywhere.


Music is a definite for me on a girly night whether it is your favourite bouncy songs which you like to dance to with your friends or relaxing and calming music. If you want to relax, one of my favourite songs to listen to is Seventh Heaven on YouTube as it is really calming and I also like to listen to it when I am having a panic attack as well. *just a tip*


I absolutely love to watch weepy movies on a girly night and the ones above are my absolute favourites. They are just so so good and definites to put onto your 'to watch' list. I just love crying over movies with my friends and as my friends will know, I am a really weepy person and cry at absolutely everything.


I absolutely love doing my nails and friends nails on sleepovers. I have a friend who is absolutely amazing at nails and we all queue up for her to do our nails.

Pampering and Scented candles:

I am a massive pamper fan and I always do lots of pampering on girly nights. I also love to light some scented candles or some incense to make the room smell beautiful. I always go and buy lots of creams and things the day before or just use up ones I have already got.


Onsies are a must when having a girly night as they are so cosy and warm. I absolutely love my onesie (I have the same one as in the pic)! When wearing a onesie you must also do the onsie dance!

Ice cream:

I love ice-cream so much (especially Ben & Jerry's) and it is my comfort food so it is perfect for a girly night. I always make sure to buy lots of ice cream before a girly night so we can have it with weepy movies.  

Photo booth/ selfies and videos:

I always love to take lots of selfies and videos on girly nights so I can remember the happy little memories forever. I went to my friend's party recently and she had set up her own little photo booth which I thought was amazing. I think she used an old shelving unit with the shelves taken out (but I'm not 100% sure) and then decorated it but it was so amazing and really fun to take lots of pics in. 


My friends and I always love to do makeovers on each other on a girly night, whether it be nice ones for the morning, ridiculous ones or just an evening makeover for a photoshoot. It is just so fun to do with friends and lovely to get a little creative. 


On a girly night, I always tend to do overnight curls so if I am feeling lazy after a night of little sleep, I can just take my plaits down and my hair will be done. To do this, I will French plait my hair after using a hair mask, (when it's still wet) then blow-dry it in place and maybe put a little hairspray on to make sure it's secure. 


This may seem a little strange, but I love to do yoga either before going to sleep as it is so relaxing and prepares you for bed or in the morning as it energises  you and wakes you up more after a night of little sleep. 

Pillow fight:

A pillow fight is a must in a girly night as it  is so fun to do with your friends and is just a traditional thing to do. 


My friends and I always love to do a few challenges on a girly night because they are so funny. We love this challenge where about two or three people have to put water in their mouths then we all have to try and make them laugh. This game is so fun (apart from if you have a cold and can't breathe- been there). 

Watch lots of YouTube: 

As many of you will know, I am a big YouTube- obsessive and could watch it for hours, especially channels like Zoella, 
Tanya Burr, Niomi Smart, Sprinkle of Glitter, Bethany Mota and BubzBeauty. This just a great activity to do with friends if you are a YouTube lover like me. 

Read Magazines:

I always love to read lots of magazines when I'm having so me-time, especially Vogue and others like that because,  as some of you will know, I absolutely live fashion and it has been to become a fashion design since I was about 8 and Vogue is just so inspirational and creative. 


It is always good to buy a ramge of munchies before a girly night so that if people get hungry, they can just help themselves to snacks. I think that it's also good to include some more healthy snacks, as well as the less healthy ones (like ice-cream) and make sure to look out for my post on how to make some healthy munchies in a few weeks. 

Make tops:

I find this idea so so cute of making best friend tops on a girly night. My friend and I did this before and I just think it's so lovely. We bought some transfer paper and white tops, printed a design onto the transfer paper then ironed it on. 

Foot spa:

My mum actually owns a little foot spa and it is so lovely and relaxing. It vibrates, massages and makes bubbles and I love to put some rose petals or bath salts in it. If you don't own a foot spa, you can always do this in the bath and you and your friends can all sit around the edge. 


On a girly night, I always love to do a bit of cooking whether it's decorating cupcakes, making smoothies/milkshake or making mini pizzas. At a sleepover, my friends and I always make mini pizzas as it is so fun and they taste amazing. 

I hope you have enjoyed this post and it has given you some inspiration for your girly nights. Make sure to leave your comments below and I hope to see you all again very very soon. 

Beauty Flutter
Natalie x

Make sure to look out for my next post: